Church Life Ministry Teams

Each of our Ministry Teams takes responsibility for coordinating different aspects of Church Life, so if you have time, energy and passion to share please contact the elder who leads the ministry you are interested to contribute to. Currently in AUC we have 8 Church Life Ministry Teams, which are:

Click on the respective links above to find out more about what their aims are and who to contact if you would like more information.

Worship & Education

The aims of this Ministry Team are:

  • to facilitate within the AUC community a high quality, relevant and diverse diet of worship
  • to express the spirituality of AUC and of the local community
  • to provide a variety of educational opportunities to develop Christian Spirituality, Bible Study and Progressive Christianity.

For more information contact Fiona Bennett (

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Our Tribe

The aim of this Ministry Team is to organise and develop our LGBT+ Ministry, which in partnership with MCC, offers support and affirmation to LGBT+ Christians in Edinburgh.

For more information contact Maxwell Reay (

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Children & Young People

The aim of this Ministry Team is to offer an engaging, nurturing and safe program of activities for children and young people within the AUC community.

For more information about Children’s Ministry contact Kate Ownes (

For more information about Youth Ministry contact Matt Baines (

For more general information about our Children and Young People ministry contact Tyler McNeil (

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Centre Property & Finance

The aims of this Ministry Team are:

  • to oversee and manage the finances, property & staff of AUC
  • to ensure our staff, tenants and building users are treated with honesty, justice and grace.

For more information contact Ewen Harley (

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Peace & Justice

The aim of this Ministry Team are:

  • to raise awareness and promote positive change for justice of people and planet
  • to provide educational opportunities to explore relevant current issues
  • to encourage volunteering opportunities with social justice projects within Edinburgh.

For more information contact Hanna Albrecht (

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The aim of this Ministry Team is to facilitate a web of care throughout AUC through social events, pastoral support and education opportunities to promote good mental and emotional health.

For more information contact either Fiona Bennett ( or Maxwell Reay (

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The aim of this Ministry Team is to enable good communication of who we are and what we have on offer both within AUC and externally with the wider public.

For more information contact Denis Mallon (

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Visitors and Heritage

The aim of this Ministry Team is to enable visitors and tourists to encounter God’s good news through our heritage and pilgrimage journeys.

For more information contact Thomas McPolin (

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